The first book in the series, "The Saga of Indian Em'ly:" The Apache and The Pale Face Soldier by author Sara Barnard, is a fascinating story about Indian Em'ly who died near Fort Davis, Texas trying to protect her children. She was married to a pale faced story who was one of her two children, Cactus Flower. Her other child, Wind that Knocks Down Lodges, is a young warrior, only age twelve, who fiercely protects his younger sister. This middle grade book is wonderfully told by the author. I was reminded of the elder storytellers in the Indian tribes who passed down stories through generations. This book will captivate young readers while teaching them the customs and traditions of the Apache Indians and the ways of the pale face settlers and soldiers.
This is a book that your middle grader will love reading.

The second book in the series, "The Saga of Indian Em'ly:" On the Colorado Trail by author Sara Barnard, is the continuing saga of Cactus Flower and her older brother, Wind That Knocks Down Lodges, who are left orphans by the death of their mother, Indian Em'ly. Indian Em'ly is a legend told by the Indians and white settler ancestors around Fort Davis. Cactus Flower is the daughter of a pale-face soldier who Indian Em'ly married after the death of Wind That Knocks Down Lodges, father, Shining Waters. After their death, the soldiers take the two Indian children on the Colorado Trail. Their adventures while travelling with people whom Wind That Knocks Down Lodges considers the enemy, is a page-turner! It's also educational.
The author is a gifted storyteller, and your middle grader will love this series!
This wonderful series may be found at:
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