Sunday, October 5, 2014

Joyce Shaughnessy, author: MIDLAND/ODESSA BOOKS IN THE BASIN

Joyce Shaughnessy, author: MIDLAND/ODESSA BOOKS IN THE BASIN: We have an exciting event happening Oct. 10-11. Our second bi-annual Books in the Basin is being held to benefit the Midland and Odessa Coun...


We have an exciting event happening Oct. 10-11. Our second bi-annual Books in the Basin is being held to benefit the Midland and Odessa County libraries. Come join us and show your support for the local libraries! Our times to sell books are:

Friday, October 10th                                                         Saturday, October 11
Midland College                                                               Odessa College
Library - Murray Fasken Learning Center                       Wood Building
2nd Floor                                                                           Room 119
1:00 - 6:00 p.m.                                                                 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.