Hi, guys!
I am happy to present new sites for you to discover, where new authors are interviewed, too. I've been enjoying LinkedIn and have come to "know" many authors, old and new, on the sites for authors. Many of the authors also present interviews and blogs like mine.
I know that you would enjoy many of them, and I'm going to give you links where you can join them in their blogs and /or presentation of their own books. Some write short stories, some paranormal romance, and some historical fiction like my three published books.
I decided, after being urged to do so by one of the writers in my writers' group, Writing Well, to participate in a short story contest about something different than historical fiction. The short story is sci-fi, something entirely strange and scary for me at first. But then I started really enjoying it and in the beginning, I wrote it from the first person perspective. The story came from my heart this time, not even partly in my head. I still have a little tweaking to do, and I'm going to present it in this blog next month. The title is "Primal Fear."
I am about to read Ann Swann's book, All for Love and hope to interview her. It is a romance, and after reading other works by her, I know we all would enjoy the book. I will present her interview in about two weeks.
Thanks for tuning in and be sure to check out: Kimberly Shursen's site and Kathy Golden's site, which are listed above! I know you'll enjoy them as much as I have!
Joyce Shaughnessy